
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2016

Kebersihan-Kesehatan Toilet Sekolah

Toilet sekolah di DKI Jakarta jumlahnya masih belum sebanding dengan jumlah siswa. Perbandingan idealnya, ada satu toilet untuk tiap 25 siswa SD, satu toilet untuk tiap 50 siswa SMP, dan perbandingan yang lebih banyak lagi untuk sarana pendidikan jenjang berikutnya. Di samping jumlahnya yang memang kurang, kondisi tersebut terjadi salah satunya akibat alih fungsi toilet. Kondisi toilet sekolah di Indonesia secara umum masih jauh dari ideal. Gambaran yang sama tampak dominan pula di Ibu Kota. "90 persen sekolah tidak mempunyai toilet yang layak," ucap Ketua Umum Asosiasi Toilet Indonesia, Naning Adiwoso, dalam konferensi pers Gerakan Toilet Higienis 2014 yang digelar Domestos pada akhir November (18/11) lalu di Jakarta. Selain itu, masih banyak sekolah yang tidak menyediakan tempat cuci tangan di toiletnya. Ketersediaan air untuk membasuh dan menyiram toilet serta bau tak sedap juga menjadi masalah umum di sekolah. "Toilet sekolah pun kerap tak memiliki t...

The public toilets in Indonesia in general

Toilet whether we realize it or not, actually has become one of the human needs that must be fulfilled. However, in reality there are still many residents of Indonesia who lack awareness of adequate sanitation facilities. Some survey has shown that nearly 40% of people in Indonesia are still not getting the right cubicle toilet phenolic adequate sanitation facilities. The public toilets in Indonesia in general, the severity was ranked second worst toilet in the world. Therefore, it is necessary awareness of the various parties to maintain the cleanliness of the toilets. This may happen due to several things including people often overlook the importance of cleanliness of toilets in order to awake. Though toilets are basic human needs. Many diseases can be caused by a dirty toilet, such as diarrhea, respiratory tract infections, typhoid fever, and urinary tract infections. Here are a few requirements for a decent toilet. 1. Clean water One needs to be met in the toilet is cle...

Hino RK

Hino RK, bisa dibilang adalah salah satu tipe bus yang paling dominan dipakai di Indonesia khususnya di Pulau Jawa setelah Mercedes dengan armada mesin belakangnya yang berkode OH. bagi penumpang awam mungkin masih sulit membedakan bus antara Hino RK keluaran baru (RK8) dengan bus keluaran lama Hino RKT / RK2HR, dikarenakan keduanya memiliki tampilan yang hampir sama. Bus keluaran Hino ini didaulat sebagai pengganti Hino RG yang memiliki rentang produksi medio 1990 an sampai 2007 akhir. untuk tipe yang diproduksi bersamaan dengan Hino RG adalah Hino RKT (T untuk Turbo). Hino RKT ini didaulat sebagai solusi bagi para penyedia jasa angkutan bus untuk dapat memiliki bus yang sanggup melahap berbagai medan dan tentu saja Price-nya diset lebih murah dibanding RG supaya mampu terserap dengan baik oleh banyak perusahaan. Beralih Ke hino RK8, ini adalah unit yang kini dijual oleh hino bus indonesia untuk pasar bus nusantara. Tersedia dalam 2 pilihan output power.. Hi...

Fun Bedroom Furniture Styles to Consider - Log Beds

Log beds are an integral part of creating a bedroom with a rustic, warm feel. A wide variety of statement-making pieces are available to accommodate every person's unique needs. For homes with limited space, choose from the versatile day, futon, and bunk beds, while larger homes tend to benefit from the stately canopy bed, adding a touch of charming decadence to a room. Day, futon, and bunk beds are great for making use of a small space while also giving the reclaimed wood bedroom furniture a unique look and feel. This design is not only economical, but it also provides a sturdy construction for many years of use. A ladder is usually attached for easy access to the top bunk. Bunk beds are timeless, providing endless fun for kids and grandchildren. Futons and log day beds present solutions for rooms where floor space is limited. These styles provide the flexibility of having an extra place for guests to stay when needed, while also functioning as a comfortable couch when not i...

Smart Choice For Furniture

Wood is one of the natural wealth that comes from trees. There are various types of wood on this earth. One is mahogany. Mahogany has three existing types indonesia furniture manufacture namely Swietenia, Swietenia Humilus, Swietenia Macrophylla. Mahogany has many colors. Because of the nature, mahogany became one of the valuable timber species in the world. Swietenia mahogany is a valuable one of a kind because it is quite difficult to find this timber. Besides mahogany have other characteristics such as solid materials with several cavities, durable, and also strong grain pattern that makes it easier to craft and deliver. Furthermore, mahogany grows in size is quite large, so that it can be made of various kinds of furniture, such as tables, beds, chairs, and more. The main function of the type of wood for furniture, because the colors are magnificent and the contents of the timber. Some musical instruments are also made of mahogany, for example piano, acoustic, etc. Mahogany...

Root teak used to be wasted

Who would have thought teak wood that used to be wasted is now a quality furniture with classy and expensive. Teak plants are morphologically can reach a height of 30-45 meters. Its diameter trunk can reach 220 cm. Although the tree is dead, the roots of the oak can be safely stored in the soil with up to hundreds of years turns teak is not easy to eat termites. Because teak wood has a cellulose content of 46.5%, 29.9%  14.4%, 1.4% ash, and silica 0.4% and calorific value of 5,081 cal / g. The durability of wood corresponding test results against termites and fungi, including second-class I. Thus, teak wood can be attacked by termites with low capacity on the condition that is affected by timber tree age. So the older teak, it is increasingly difficult attacked by termites. Prices were sold very varied. Depending on the form of finished teak root itself and the difficulty in treating teak roots. There is a teak table and chairs are set be valued price IDR 10 million ...

Jilbab Pengantin Modern Wanita Muslimah

    Menjadi seorang pengantin tentunya menjadi impian dari semua wanita. Selain iu, menjadi seorang pengantin adalah hal yang sangat sakral karena hanya terjadi satu kali dalam seumur hidup. Apalagi jika bisa tampil cantik dan modis pada saat hari H. Bagi anda wanita muslimah, tidak perlu kawatir karena anda masih bisa tampil cantik dan modis walaupun berjilbab. Kini telah banyak wanita muslim yang memakai jilbab pada saat resepsi pernikahan. Selain itu, anda juga tidak perlu kawatir lagi karena sekarang sudah banyak jasa rias pengantin untuk wanita berjilbab kok. Selain itu, menggunakan jilbab pada saat acara resepsi juga menjadi trend fashion tersendiri dikalangan wanita muslimah. Kini tampilan berjilbab pengantin muslim bisa terlihat lebih modis dan anggun. Seperti halnya aksesoris untuk pengantin jawa pada umumnya, pengantin berjilbab kini juga sudah banyak aksesoris jilbab pengantin yang disediakan. Anda tidak perlu lagi takut akan tampil kuno pas menggunakan jilb...

Buying Indonesian Teak Furniture

Manufacturing in Indonesia varies widely. There are companies who buy from individual carpenters, who build inexpensively. The products are labeled and sold as though they are from a high end company. In most cases, the teak has been treated chemically to achieve the teak coloration. It is unknown how these chemicals effect the environment or the consumers who use them. Other manufacturing in Indonesia is more organized. The teak furniture is built using modern machinery and more conventional types of joinery. These companies generally use a higher caliber of wood, glue, fittings and a warranty or guarantee. The end result is much more professional than the conglomerate company. Once the outdoor teak furniture indonesia is on the market, it is the consumer who has done his research that makes the better purchase. After all, teak is an investment and regardless of the maker, expense is to be expected. Be prepared with questions and expect answers. It's important to sta...

Memilih Pengembang Rumah Terpercaya

Banyak sekali orang yang kecewa karena ternyata mereka membeli rumah di perumahan tidak sesuai dengan yang ditawarkan pengembang perumahan baru di semarang di browser. Hal yang sangat penting bagi anda bila melihat rumah di brosur adalah.. Cek atau surveylah terlebih dahulu perumahan tersebut. Dengan melakukan survey secara langsung di perumahan tersebut, anda akan bisa menilai sendiri apakah perumahan tersebut sudah cocok atau belum dengan anda. Lain ceritanya apabila anda langsung membeli rumah dari brosur tanpa melakukan survey terlebih dahulu. Karena saat ini tidak sedikit pengembang rumah yang nakal. Mereka selalu menghalalkan berbagai cara supaya bisa merayu pembeli. Para pengembang nakal ini biasanya membangun rumah dengan asal-asalan. Bahkan setelah mereka menerima uang, seakan mereka sudah tidak peduli lagi dengan janji-janji yang dibuatnya sebelum menerima uang dari si pembeli. Pengembang profesional ini bukan saja memiliki izin usaha membangun tapi juga penga...

Furniture Jepara

 Furniture Jepara Asli telah menjadi klaster industri yang dinamis.Jepara kini, 2011, memiliki  sekitar 12.000 rumah industri dan 200 eksportir . Tiap pengrajin memiliki 5-15 tukang pengrajin.  Jepara memang bukan satu-satunya kota yang memproduksi furniture. Tapi tidak ada kota yang melebih Jepara dalam jumlah pengrajin dan pengusaha mebel. Di Jepara terdapat showroom terpanjang di dunia. Bukan satu showroom, tetapi banyak showroom berderet-deret sepanjang 20 KM di jalan Senenan –Tahunan –Pecangaan. Furniture jepara sudah dikenal hingga ke mancanegara , sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi kualitas dan ketahanannya.

Jenis Pembatas Toilet Dari Dinding

Saat ini banyak toilet yang berderet bisa kita temukan di mall maupun di tempat umum lainnya. Biasanya, pembatas dari toilet tersebut menggunakan partisi toilet . Hal ini dikarenakan partisi toilet lebih mudah digunakan dan dipasang. Selain itu, partisi toilet juga sangat ringan. Selain menggunakan partisi toilet, dulu toilet umum ternyata juga sudah memakai pembatas namun bukan berupa partisi toilet seperti sekarang. Pembatas toilet yang dulu adalah dengan menggunakan dinding. Berikut ini adalah beberapa jenis dinding yang biasa digunakan untuk menjadi pembatas toilet : 1. Dinding Batu Bata Material ini paling banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Hampir di setiap tempat bahkan pelosok desa terdapat pembuat batu bata. Bahan baku tanah liat yang mudah didapat dan proses pembuatan yang sederhana membuat harganya menjadi relatif murah. Ukuran yang biasa ada di pasaran adalah 25 x 12 x 5 cm atau kurang.  2. Dinding Batako Untuk menghemat biaya pembangunan rumah, al...

Phenolic Cubicle Toilet Indonesia

Phenolic cubicle toilet adalah salah satu jenis produk dari Toilet cubicle indonesia yang dapat anda pilih untuk bilik toilet anda. Phenolic  Cubicle  yang dibentuk dari beberapa lapis kraft paper dan resin yang dilaminasi bersamaan dengan decorative paper pada kedua sisinya. Phenolic Board merupakan high pressure laminate. Kelebihan phenolic adalah: Water Resistance, Fire Resistance, Abrasion Resistence, Resistance to harmful chemicals, Sederhana / simple, Anti Bacterial, Easy to maintain, Durable / tahan lama, Perakitan sederhana dan cepat. Phenolic cubicle ini cocok untuk diaplikasikan pada : Rumah Sakit, Kantor, Lounge, Sekolah, Restaurant, Laboratorium, Mall dan tempat umum lainnya.

Isuzu and Hino in Bus JV

Isuzu Motors Hino Motors Ld along with plans to merge operations are classified bus manufatur of them through businesses rely on joint ways that went into effect in October 2993. It is like a lot of people who work and are affected as a result of the merger. Two makers of many commercial vehicles established an office that used to prepare the merger. They also say that it is necessary given the shrinking demand on buses in Japan. Since 1999, two businessmen have also announced plans for a JV, but was delayed due to negotiations over many other things that urgency. Isuzu Motors Ltd. and hino bus Ltd. will merge their bus manufacturing operations through a joint venture to take effect in October 2003. It is yet to be seen how many jobs will be affected as a result of the merger. Two commercial vehicle maker set up an office in preparation for the merger, which they say is necessary given the shrinking demand for buses in Japan. In 1999 the two announced plans for a JV, but...

Decorating Tips - Dining Room Table Styles

Maybe you'll also want to think about style and there are infinite number of different styles from which to choose. Expandable Tables Because many families don't require a huge table on a daily basis, but may still need to seat a large number of guests occasionally, it's not uncommon to find reclaimed dining table room tables which are designed to be expandable or extendable. A drop leaf table may offer up a small rectangular or square surface most days, but can be easily converted simply by lifting and locking the leaves of the table to seat many more people when the situation demands it. Other tables have a locked-seam in the middle. When this seam is unlocked, the two halves of the table can be slid apart on runners, and a matching insert placed between them to increase the size of the table. By choosing this type of table, you can customize your table based on your needs as they arise. Shape Dining room tables come in just about every shape imaginable, and ...

How to Find the Finest Teak Furniture

 and lasts longer. They can be elaborately sculpted and teak furniture manufacture can last forever. There are quite a variety of designs and style pieces of teak furniture available in the market to select from. The actual process in harvesting takes around 50 years. The wood turns to a beautiful silver grey patina with time if it is left outdoors. By adding little teak oil to enhance the honey glow of the wood they could be maintained for longer period. The furniture might include desks, tables, coffee tables, and more. You can have your furniture custom made by skilled craftsman. Many pieces can be manufactured to suit your needs.  Feedback is important about the company and service provided by them. It helps a lot in deciding where to shop. This also helps to come to a conclusion on what type of teak fixtures you want to choose from. With a wide array of types of teak furniture available, such as outdoor, indoor, coffee tables, rocking chairs, garden benches, and foldi...

Teak Patio Furniture

An appealing teak patio furniture is the Prairieland Picnic Bench with its rustic, outdoor theme. It has a two-wheeled design that suggests Western nostalgia. This aesthetic feature also keeps the double-seat bench firmly in place. The set has a smooth tabletop and comfortable seats that spell comfort and style. The Teak root furniture Adirondack Chair provides a relaxed atmosphere for your patio, backyard or porch. This patio furniture is made of a high quality teak that can withstand even the extremes of the cyclic weather. With its inviting curves, the chair is comfortable even without a cushion seat. The Samui Teak Dining Set will definitely stand out in your patio with its eye-catching design. This patio furniture set can accommodate up to six persons, with each person assured of utmost comfort. Made from a versatile teak material, its design can very well adapt to any patio setting. Its hard material also affords it to retain the original color of teak while it can ...

Aksesoris Hijab Buatan Tangan

Macam-macam eksesoris untuk hijab kini telah banyak diproduksi oleh orang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para konsumen hijaber. Banyak aksesoris jilbab yang memang dibuat dengan tangan sendiri oleh orang-orang yang memang mempunyai kreativitas yang tinggi. Memang kreativitas dapat menghasilkan banyak uang bila dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Beberapa aksesoris ini biasa dibuat dengan menggunakan tangan. Headpiece Headband sudah lama kita kenal sebagai penghias bagian kepala khususnya rambut bagi para wanita. Dengan semakin berkembangnya trend berhijab sekarang ini menjadikan banyak bermunculan kreasi-kreasi berhijab bagi para hijabers salah satunya headband yang dimanfaatkan bukan hanya untuk menghias rambut saja, namun juga dikenakan sebagai pelengkap style berhijab. Gatsby Headband sudah lama kita kenal sebagai penghias bagian kepala khususnya rambut bagi para wanita. Dengan semakin berkembangnya trend berhijab sekarang ini menjadikan banyak bermunculan kreasi-...

Where To Buy High Quality Furniture At Wholesale Prices

So, what is it about this furniture that made it popular in many parts of the world? In addition, how the pieces home Indonesia fares with other types of Indonesia furniture ? Indonesia home pieces collectively refers to Asian furniture. Although Indonesia is only part of the world's largest continent, Asia; has become very popular because of its products. Thus, although there are many other countries in Asia that produce quality houses such as China, Japan, and India, the pieces that come from Asia is more commonly referred to as Indonesian furniture. Top quality products from Indonesia. Aside from a variety of designs to choose from, offering some of the best Indonesian rattan furniture. In addition to the pieces of rattan, Indonesia is also famous because of teak, rattan, iron, bamboo, and synthetic furniture. Slaughterhouse of Indonesia highly charged because of this high-quality, durable, and affordable. Moreover, Indonesia furniture has a different style and workm...

Tips Mudah Memilih Bros Jilbab

Bagi anda yang masih pemula dalam memakai jilbab, mungkin memilih bros untuk menambah penampilan bisa menjadi sebuah masalah tersendiri. Ini dikarenakan memilih bros jilbab yang susah-susah gampang. Kenapa bisa begitu? Percaya atau tidak, bros walau berbentuk kecil namun bisa menjadi sebuah pemanis dan pelengkap dalam anda berpenampilan hijab. Bros memegang peran penting dalam membuat penampilan lebih bernilai, bisa glamour, feminim, elegan, atau tampilan lain yang diinginkan oleh pemilik bros tersebut.  Ini adalah beberapa model bros yang bisa anda jadikan referensi dalam memilih bros. 1. Vintage Bow Bros model ini biasa terbuat dari pita. Banyak yang ditemukan dibuat dari pita yang mermotif garis-garis kemudian dibentuk sedemikian rupa menjadi sebuah bros. Memakai bros ini akan memberi kesan vintage namun masih tetap elegan.Pemilihan warna yang cerah dan model pita membuatnya cocok untuk dijadikan bros hijab untuk kalangan remaja. Namun Anda yang dewasa...

Fakta Tentang Rumah Hantu Darmo Surabaya Selengkapnya

Surabaya merupakan salah satu kota yang menyimpan banyak sejarah di Indonesia. Kota bersejarah ini memang tidak pernah bisa luput dari cerita-cerita rakyatya dengan mengkramatkan sebuah lokasi yang mistik. Daripada membahas tentang sejarah pahlawan, pada faktanya masyarakat lebih menyukai cerita tentang mistis. Membahas tentang rumah di jual di semarang berhantu di kota pahlawan Surabaya, kami memberikan peringkat nomor 1 kepada Rumah Darmo Surabaya. Rumah hantu ini telah lama ditinggalkan oleh penghuninya sejak lebih dari 10 tahun yang lalu. Kabar yang beredar dari masyarakat adalah mereka yang dibunuh oleh para bangsa jin. Mereka terikat dengan sebuah perjanjian pesugihan oleh para jin. Banyak warga sekitar yang mengaku pernah mengalami kejadian ganjil yang ada ketika berada di sekitar rumah tersebut. Mulai dari suara tangis tengah malam, sampai penampakan yang menjelma jadi sesorang wanita cantik yang menggoda pengguna jalan. Senada dengan rumah hantu pondok indah, rum...

Jepara Sebagai Pusat Mebel Ukir

Mebel jepara  atau Kerajinan seni ukir kayu dikota Jepara telah terbentuk dari ratusan tahun yang lalu yakni sejak pemerintahan ratu kalinyamat, dengan seni ukir majapahit dan beberapa seni ukir lainnya. Oleh karena itu masyarakat dunia mengenal mebel jepara  sebagai tradisi dan etos budaya yang adiluhung.Jepara sangat terkenal dengan Kerajinan yang terbuat dari kayu jati atau Furniture Jati Jepara Bahan kerajinan ukiran kayu kebanyakkan dari kayu jati,mahoni kemudian kerajinan ukir kayu tidak terbatas pada ukiran mebel tetapi telah berkembang kerajinan ukir kayu berbentuk relief atau 3 dimensi .Kerajinan ukir kayu bermotif relief terdapat dikawasan Senenan Jepara yang dikenal central ukiran relief dan kerajinan relief kayu umumnya tentang kisah ramayana,mahabrata,kisah perjuangan kartini ,pejual sate, karapan sapi dan beragam relief yang indah eksotif .Selain kerajinan relief kayu jati berkembang juga kerajinan kaligrafi kayu jati dikecamatan Batelit.kerajinan...

Design Details In The Smallest Of Rooms - Robust Toilet Cubicles For Business And Schools

There is room in the halls of the small and very charming, rooms and even then there is also in schools, offices and other public buildings .Toilet or t oilet cubicle we usually see looks very unappealing. Traditionally function has been taken over when it comes to the washroom and toilet; However, there is a distinct advantage to have an interesting toilet and washrooms in any building. It is rare today to see a lack of design applied to the washroom and toilets in domestic properties. Similarly, in the hospitality trade to see some attention paid to the toilet - Things must be rethought if you want customers to come back are: User friendliness Designing anti-vandalism Environment and respect

Building a Bathroom in Your Loft

With the cost of a home that is still growing in the UK, not a few people today are choosing to expand their upper loft to make way for the arrival of a new good or just be enough as the living room which is nice. Konfertion attic could also be an addition to the extra value to your home if you are looking to sell. The second step is that you have a nice living room. But that is not feasible. This is because your guests often go down the attic stairs in the middle of the night just to visit the bathroom or your room. Then the answer is to combine the bathroom into the attic conversion and allows not difficult and expensive as you think. Perhaps some of this could be a consideration for you: 1: Would section en-suite sufficient, perhaps only a toilet and sink 2: Do you need a full en-suite, a sink, toilet and also the inclusion of either a bath or shower cubicle (or both if you have the space) While the second will be a welcome addition last thing you want to do is at the last...

Start Your Construction Business With the Proper Equipment - Used Dump Trucks

One thing that can be given by the economy is an opportunity. While the other businesses are closed and there are other business opportunities. That is when the dump truck can enter. If you are looking for a fleet of dump for business, the internet is where you can find it. You can see the facts when online. Everything you need is right there. No exception of anything that would be missed. Driver comfort you will need to consider when you are buying used dump truck. They will be happier and healthier when they like to drive their trucks. It is a good idea for drivers to take ownership in their used dump truck. When they have a sense of ownership in their trucks would take more pride in the truck and in their work. You want the drivers like it because they will be more willing to do a good job. What kind of radio system you would have in your used dump truck. Are you going to use two-way radio, or will you let drivers use cell phones? Whichever device you choose for your fleet co...

Steps to Find a Good Quality

Follow the steps below mentioned here to find a good quality of reclaimed wood furniture 1. There is no point buying furniture reclaimed wood if it does not promise a decent ROI. To reap the benefits of the unique history and authenticity, you will need a certificate of authenticity from the vendor that sells furniture 2. If you already have wood carpentry and just needs help, ask if the vendor furniture ready to work on the material you provide. and also ask them if they could realize the design according to what you think 3. The reusable timber will have some holes or damage should be covered. make sure the quality of the wood to use to close the hole, and make sure the wood is not cheap 4. Finishing reclaimed wood furniture is quite important to see authenticity. Make sure that the vendor uses a durable material, make sure the material used does not cause white markings and make a sticky during the summer. 5. Finally, ask about experience furniture makers in making fu...

Keuntungan Membuat BrosCantik dari Bahan yang sudah tidak digunakan

Barang bekas yang sudah tidak terpakai jangan slalu dibuang begitu saja karena masih banyak manfaatnya dan keuntungannnya untuk membuat berbagai macam aksesoris seperti Bros Cantik  Berikut Keuntungan menggunakan bahan bekas bagi lingkungan : 1. Menghasilkan Keuntungan Ekonomi yang Besar 2. Mengurangi Polusi Limbah 3. Mengasas Kreatifitas 4. Membuat Karya Seni Baru

Belajar Fotografi Harus Paham Dasar-Dasar Fotografi & Kamera

iapa saja bisa memotret. Dengan tambahan pikiran kreatif dan kerja keras, kita dapat menciptakan gambar hebat yang menunjukkan segenap kreasi dan interpretasi terhadap apa yang dilihat dan dijepret. Nah, seni mengabadikan gambar dengan menggunakan kamera disebut dengan  Fotografi . Fotografi berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu:  photos  adalah cahaya, sinar. Sedang  graphein  berarti tulisan, gambar atau disain bentuk. Jadi, fotografi secara luas adalah menulis atau menggambar dengan menggunakan cahaya. Gambar mati atau lukisan yang didapat melalui proses penyinaran dengan menggunakan cahaya. Karena dalam membuat gambar kita menggunakan alat yang disebut camera, maka sudah tentu kita harus benar-benar menguasai alat tersebut juga termasuk beberapa teknik dasarnya. Dalam menggunakan kamera kita mengenal apa yang disebut dengan: Fokus (focus), Rana, Shutter Speed, Diafragma (f), Pencahayaan (lighting), Lensa, Komposisi (Composition), Film, ISO, Filter, etc. Unt...