Slow eating can help reduce weight Calorimeter Indonesia

We've all experienced times when we were so hungry that we devoured food or snacks without tasting it. Experts in the UK use some high-tech equipment (two climate-controlled calorimeters, whole body, for starters) in a laboratory dubbed "lab flab" to study body weight ... most recently see the speed of eating and if eating slowly might contribute to lose weight.

Scientists hope the state of the art unit will help them to explore how food, exercise, medicine and sleep all impact weight.

While they agreed it was all good and good for advising people to eat less or exercise more, the message was clearly unsuccessful. Science needs to know more about what is happening to help people.

We know that almost one third of US adults and around 17% of children and adolescents are considered obese. Over the past two decades there has been a dramatic increase in the number of obese people in this country. Obesity is now increasing worldwide, even in low and middle income countries, and has long been associated with some of the most serious health problems.

The two related units used by researchers in the "lab flab" allow monitoring of movement, breathing, what the subject is eating and expelling. They come complete with a folding bed, toilet and sink, and calorimeter indonesia a desk with a computer.

Volunteers can work, surf the internet or watch TV shows or movies during their stay. Palka has been built into doors and walls so food can be delivered, blood tests can be carried out, and equipment can be connected without affecting atmospheric bubbles in the unit.

One of the first experiments involving researchers is the speed of eating, how it can change the level of hunger and the energy rate burned.

Participants in the study will spend three days in one of the entire calorimeter bodies in the laboratory ... locked air compartments that can make very precise calculations of how much energy is burned.

On the first day of the trial, participants ate lunch in ten minutes, for the second day they were instructed to make the last 20 minutes of lunch, then on the last day they were allowed 40 minutes to eat their midday food. Researchers control the speed of consumption by dividing food into individual parts and delivering it to separate subjects for 5 minutes.

At the close of each day, the appetite level is monitored by participants who offer a variety of food choices and are told to eat whatever they want. Study participants reported the time in the unit was tightly closed but not boring. Eating more slowly seems to increase a person's appreciation of taste, but the final results of this experiment will not be available for several months.

Other studies outside Japan have suggested that eating slowly may only limit appetite and reduce the risk of diabetes. People in the lab flab want to see if they can duplicate these findings under more carefully controlled conditions. Getting a little understanding of obesity can be useful because more and more adults (and children) get fat.


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